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Copyright permissions


Key points


I am ok with:

  • My drawings to be printed out and used in 1:1 clinical work, groups or training (within non-commercial settings).

  • Non-commercial instagram pages to repost my images on the condition that my handle (@creative.clinical.psychologist) is included in the first line and I am not just tagged. 

  • My drawings going into thesis's, student essays and journal articles (with reference to location and/or my name: Dr Juliet Young (clinical psychologist) also known as Creative Clinical Psychologist.

  • Businesses and commercial set ups using images if signed up to an appropriate Patreon Tier. 


I am not ok with:

  • ​Images being posted anywhere online other than Instagram without permission (please check because I do sometimes allow this)

  • My images being used to advertise or promote training or a business without permission 

  • Patrons sharing resources with colleagues or on shared drives without permission



The grey areas:

There will always be situations come up that are not covered in the above. I don't want to be overly restrictive about how my images are shared because the very reason I made them was so they can be shared to make psychological ideas more accessible. So please get in 




More details:


All my drawings are protected by UK copyright law. As soon as an artist creates a piece of art, they own the copyright. Most people don't actually know that using artwork without permission is illegal and innocently assume that if something is available to look at on the internet, then it is free to use. This is not the case and respecting copyright laws enables artists to make a living from their work. 



Non-commercial use (public services and charities): I am generally happy to give permission for clinical use and in training presentations. I actively encourage distribution for the social justice focussed illustrations. If illustrations are going to be printed for distribution e.g. in leaflets and training manuals then please contact me to discuss. 


(i.e. those where someone isn't being paid for that distinct piece of work or likely to financially gain from it - directly or indirectly)


Commercial use (businesses, CICs, private healthcare companies, paid consultation): I charge per use of an image in presentations. Please contact me for other uses. It is much cheaper to sign up for Patreon.


Publication in books: You will need my permission and a fee will be requested. This is negotiable depending on the image, pay agreement and purpose but is often around £100 for copyright permission. 


Printing off and sticking on your wall: Please Go ahead!

© 2023Juliet Young

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