School consultation
I worked for five years in a growing school and this gave me a wealth of experience working with staff and pupils. My role was as lead learning mentor and safeguarding lead. What this meant in practice was a wide variety of things and I was given lots of freedom to develop projects and processes that taught me a lot. I also delivered staff training and worked to develop and disseminate support plans for young people displaying behaviour that challenged existing ways of working. I also worked as a teaching assistant at the very start of this time and so have an understanding of being in a class room and the competing needs of children. Since being in my current service, I have offered consultation to schools.
School consultation can be accessed as a one off intervention for a specific issue or as a regular space for staff to bring any issue to discuss. It may be that you have a child that needs discussion or advice and guidance on the development of a provision or process within the setting. I take a strengths based approach and though I hold an attachment based lens, my training means I may draw on a number of approaches and theories. I can also facilitate an action research approach if the problem that needs solving is not yet fully understood.